Today in ICT Year 6 students improved their Digital citizenship aide memoirs by focusing on the finer points of graphic design. Jinee and Chow from BIS graphics and design team came to TX campus to work with the students. soon the Year 6 Networkers in action will be around the school reminding us all about Digital citizen, and good citizenship. look out for their posters.
Both Jinee and Chow offered really good advise about design techniques and elements of design which were:
- Balance. The most important message is in the biggest font, the second message in a smaller font
- Space. Space your text out, so the messages aren't fighting with each other for space and prominence.
- Colour. Use striking and contracting colours. Red and black are good
- Easy to read. Try a different shape
- Persuasive. Dominant message should be big and bold
- Fonts. Stay with one font.
- Eye catching. Be creative
- KIS. Keep it simple.
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