Well done everyone!
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
Monday, 23 June 2014
View the latest TX newsletter here:
Friday, 20 June 2014
This afternoon, we had fun swimming, running and solving problem as a team! Well done!
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Monday, 16 June 2014
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
A reminder about the TX Summer Concert
What is it?
The children in the TX orchestra, choirs, percussion group and brass group have been preparing special ‘Hollywood and Broadway’ themed music to celebrate what a wonderful and successful musical year we have had at TX.
Where and when?
Wednesday 11th
June at 6pm in the TX Sports Hall.
Important info:
If you are performing in this concert, please make sure you are at school
with your choir or orchestra t-shirt and musical instrument (if you are
playing one) by 5.30pm.
is going to be a fabulous night and I hope to see many of you and your parents there supporting
our many talented students.
Mr Robbie
Monday, 9 June 2014
Please read the TX newsletter here:
Rainforest Cafe
This term Year 3 have been studying the rainforest during
their IPC lessons, and finding out how the destruction of the rainforests are
endangering many different species of animals.
To help raise money to support these animals, the children in
year 3 will be opening a rainforest cafe in the foyer during the afternoons next
week. They will be selling cakes, juices and recycled crafts that they have
You can buy tokens for 10,000vnd each from MS. Oanh in the
office from Friday this week.
We hope you'll all come and support.
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Gopeng Residential Trip 2014
What a mind-blowing, phenomenal week we had!
Thursday, 22 May 2014
We won a Pizza Party
As an overall winner of MFL competition, we earned our Pizza Party as a reward!
Many thanks to Ms Esther for organising the event!
Many thanks to Ms Esther for organising the event!
A quick peek at our fun and fantastic afternoon.
Thursday, 15 May 2014
English Homework - Due Monday 19th May
... everything should be in their Google Drive
1 -
Complete the Malaysia fact sheet and the Gopeng fact sheet. The information is
in the English folder on your Google Drive.
Task 2 - Complete the advert analysis. Choose one television advert and one magazine advert and then fill in the analysis grid. The analysis grid and the links to the adverts are in your English folder on Google Drive.
Monday, 12 May 2014
Please read our newsletter at this web address:
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
Green Day Celebration
It's 'Green Day' !
For the whole morning, children have been doing many fun activities.
- There was a Poetry Recital competition! - children worked in pairs and recited the poem in front of the class. Some groups will be chosen to be in assembly next Friday.
- Children designed their own outfit using recycle materials from home. The best outfits will join the catwalk in assembly next Friday.
- All lights, electricity equipments were switched off for an hour! It was hot without the AC but we managed to survive ^-^
Monday, 21 April 2014
This week...
22nd Green Day
21st Gopeng Liability and Medical forms to be returned
24th Transition Day @AP2 & Parents Gopeng Meeting (Rm 302 2:45pm)
This week's TX newsletter:
Thursday, 17 April 2014
Year 6 have begun a unit on bridge building. Today everyone started creating a joint presentation about the 7 types of bridges built around the world. As the students are working with a partner they are able to use Google Docs presentation online. The flexibility of Google Docs allows each student to work independently on the document, away from their partner. By using the share facility, the document is updated and shared between the two students.
The 7 types of bridges.
Monday, 14 April 2014
Here is the latest newsletter link:
Calling All Parents!
What is a blog?
What is a blog?
Are you confused about what a blog is?
Do you wonder why your teachers and children love them so much?
If the answer to the above questions is yes, then the coffee morning about blogging is for you!
This Wednesday at 8:00am, in the MPR Mr Mike & Ms Emma, will be explaining how to access a blog, write posts and show just how useful for learning a blog is.
It would be helpful for you to bring a laptop or an i Pad to access blogs from.
It could be very helpful if you bring your own personal gmail account details or the login for your child. Foundation stage parents are welcome as you will see how to add to your child's blog at home.
We hope to see you on Wednesday,
Mr Mike & Ms Emma
If the answer to the above questions is yes, then the coffee morning about blogging is for you!
This Wednesday at 8:00am, in the MPR Mr Mike & Ms Emma, will be explaining how to access a blog, write posts and show just how useful for learning a blog is.
It would be helpful for you to bring a laptop or an i Pad to access blogs from.
It could be very helpful if you bring your own personal gmail account details or the login for your child. Foundation stage parents are welcome as you will see how to add to your child's blog at home.
We hope to see you on Wednesday,
Mr Mike & Ms Emma
Friday, 28 March 2014
Water Cycle Revision
As part of Science Revision, the children wrote their own "water cycle" song/poems and performed it to the class. Enjoy everyone ! ^^
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
TX will have its first ever 'Green Day' on Tuesday, April 22nd.
To help celebrate this, there will be lots of fun things happening around the school:
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Wear Green! |
- Everyone in the school will be wearing green.
- All lights, air conditioners and other electronic equipment will be switched off from 10-11am.
- School lunch will be even healthier than ever.
- Water bottle challenge - no plastic cups allowed in school.
- There will be Eco activities at playtime.
Last year's champion plant |
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Green fashion show (Miss Jess's old school) |
- There will be a Green fashion show!
- The best plant award winners will be announced.
- There will also be an Eco Poetry Recital competition!
Last year's Poetry Recital winners |
We need your help with this. Here is your challenge - please write a poem with a 'green theme'. It just needs to be 4 or 8 lines long and has to rhyme too.
This competition is open to everyone; students, teachers, staff, parents... anyone connected to TX!
The best poems will be performed in the Green Day assembly by the children from each year group who do the best recital.
Any questions, please ask your class teacher or the EAL Department, thank you - and may the Green be with you..!
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Click here for Eco games and activities! |
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
School Closes 11:30am Friday
Re-opens Monday 14th April
Alice the Musical tonight!
6:00pm in the Hall
Children to be in school... make up needed 5:15pm, no make up needed BY 5:30pm
Please read our newsletter here:
This week it contains an article from Nicholas and Rose on the damaging effects of palm oil.
Young Musician of the Year 2014
Young Musician of the Year 2014 is approaching and if you want to be involved you need to get practicing!
If you want to perform in this competition featuring children in both TX and AP1, in the first week back after Easter holidays Mr Robbie will listen to you perform on your instrument in your music lesson. You must be in year 3 - 6.
If you are successful, Mr Robbie will put you through to the semi-final the following week.
The final for Young Musician of the Year 2014 will be held in the AP2 Theatre on Thursday 15th May from 6:00pm - 7:30pm.
Friday, 21 March 2014
Hi everyone!
On Thursday 17th April we will celebrate Easter with a disco in the gym!
The Year 1, 2 and 3 children will have a chance to play Easter themed games and boogie from 2.45 to 3.45pm.
The Year 4, 5 and 6 children will dance and play Easter games from 4.00 to 5.00pm.
The snack will be a small bag of sweets.
Ticket price to be confirmed.
On Thursday 17th April we will celebrate Easter with a disco in the gym!
The Year 1, 2 and 3 children will have a chance to play Easter themed games and boogie from 2.45 to 3.45pm.
The Year 4, 5 and 6 children will dance and play Easter games from 4.00 to 5.00pm.
The snack will be a small bag of sweets.
Ticket price to be confirmed.
Poster Competition
Design a poster for the Easter Disco and the top poster from each year group will win a FREE DISCO TICKET!
Your poster should include pictures of Easter eggs, chicks and bunnies, as well as when and where the disco will be held.
Closing date for all entries will be Monday 24th March.
Please write your name and class on the back of a plain piece of A4 paper with your entry on.
Looking forward to seeing you on the dance floor!
Ms. Emma
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Camp – Gopeng, Malaysia
T – Shirt Design Competition
Earth Camp Website
You need to create a T – Shirt design for our Trip T – Shirt
We will look at all the designs and choose which one we will
have printed on our T – shirts. We may use a combination of designs from
different children
The T-Shirt will have a small image on the front and a larger
image on the back
Your design MUST include:
some research and find out what happens at Earth camp – your design needs to
represent where we are going and what we might be doing.
Monday, 17 March 2014
Dear Parents,
Please join Ms. Heather and the Community Service
Projects Team this Wednesday, March 19th, for the:
Community Services Coffee Morning
Multi-Purpose Room
Time: 8:00
At TX,
making links with our communities is very important to us. The children in
every year group are involved in at least one community project each year with
the aim of developing children who are true global citizens with an
understanding and appreciation of the world around them.
Come and
join us on Wednesday to:
Meet The Community Service Projects Team
— Learn why we have a Community
Service Program
— Learn about Curriculum and Club
— Know how you can be involved in
Community Service
See you there,
Ms. Heather
Community Service Projects Leader
Alice the Musical!
Come and enjoy our show...
Tuesday 25th March @ 6pm in the Hall
Please read this week's newsletter:
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Hi Vivian! Hi Andre!
We hope you are both well and have settled into your new homes and schools well.
Let us know how you are doing.
Please view the TX newsletter here:
Thursday, 6 March 2014
This week's newsletter:
Monday, 3 March 2014
Monday, 24 February 2014
Please find the weekly TX newsletter here:
Term 2 Club/CHQ Update:
- Weekend Clubs (Swimming, Basketball & Football) are ON this weekend.
- Magic Clubs next week (Tuesday, Thursday & Friday) will resume and continue as normal next week.
- Quizz Club next Thursday is CANCELLED due to Ms Alice’s attendance on the Year 5 trip to Hoi An.
- Golf Club next Thursday is CANCELLED due to Mr Ian’s attendance on the Year 5 trip to Hoi An.
Parents please log-in to CHQ for
all information about your child/s clubs this term:
- Log-in to CHQ via the link on our school website www.bisvietnam.com
- Enter the Username and Password information for your child
- Click on the ‘My Schedule’ tab
- Then expand the ‘Activities’ tab
Mr Ian's TX Blog:
There are lots of photographs and videos of events happening at TX. Please take a look at Mr Ian's Blog for all of these exciting updates
Nhiều bức hình đẹp và nhiều đoạn phim của những sự kiện diễn ra tại TX dễ dàng được tìm thấy trong blog của thầy Ian. Quý phụ huynh có thể sử dụng địa chỉ sau để xem:
Friday, 21 February 2014
School Photographs
School photos will be on 25th February at 9.30am. Please ensure children are dressed appropriately.
There are sports team photographs on Monday 24th February in the multipurpose room at 11.30am. Students will need to bring their PE kit and sports shoes.
Today we used an online programme called Hour of Code. The first levels required using blocks, you use these like building blocks to build up your code. Moving through the programme is cool as there are videos every few levels to help you learn the next set of levels. A sports athlete explains repeating patterns and using a loop, instead of dragging over large numbers blocks. Bill Gates is on one of the videos talking about if statements and adding an if block. If there is no left turn keep moving forward. level 19 and 20 are hard. Try these levels at home with your family.
Monday, 17 February 2014
Please read our exciting TX Weekly Newsletter using the link below:
Friday, 14 February 2014
Science "Body" Song
To remind ourselves on human body parts, we all composed our own "Human Body" song and performed it to the class. ^^ Great work and fabulous show !!
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Giving students responsibility allows them the opportunity to grow their leadership skills. Today it was 6 X's trurn to be the leaders and teachers for digital citizenship. Each group of students visited one of the classes at TX and spoke to the children about digital citizenship. They followed their talk with some class activities that would help the children remember the message of digital citizenship. Year 6 are leading the campaign for the TX school community to be a safe, secure and respectful digitally aware environment. You will notice around the school the newly created digital citizen aide memoir

The children in the classes appreciated the visit, and enjoyed the activities 6X had prepared to help make the digital citizenship message meaningful. In Year 1 they played a game of good or bad things to do, until there was only a winner. Well done Dan Thy, and well done Duc Tri, Jasmine, and Min Seo.
The children in the classes appreciated the visit, and enjoyed the activities 6X had prepared to help make the digital citizenship message meaningful. In Year 1 they played a game of good or bad things to do, until there was only a winner. Well done Dan Thy, and well done Duc Tri, Jasmine, and Min Seo.
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
Science Day
Children enjoyed being scientists for the day whilst taking part in Science Day. The children had fun making slime, designing the ultimate shoe, layering different liquids and also enjoyed the discussion on how to survive by making a garden on a tropical island. They had a lot of fun playing around but also learned something as well! What an amazing day !
Science Assembly
Children had a wonderful Tuesday afternoon watching some astounding experiments in the hall ^^
Monday, 10 February 2014
Please read our exciting TX Weekly Newsletter at:
Thursday, 6 February 2014
Today year 6 went hunting for gems of information using their portable devices and QR codes strategically placed around the school. This was the exit point of our unit focused on using and making QR codes. To complete the activity students had to think about the clue given eg food guide becomes a plate, and find the QR code. In this case the code was on the door to the canteen. When scanned using the QR code on the device the information was on healthy eating, and the portions of what types of food goes on a plate. The students had to take a self portrait to show they had found the code, wrote down the www, a fact and move on to the next clue.
Excellent result Eugene, Tony, Karen and Khan. You managed to think laterally about the clues, find the codes and record the information. Great work 6T and 6X you definitely demonstrated how learning can be fun, with devices and out of the classroom.
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